1st Congress of Azerbaijani Scientists was held

19 December 2014 - 12:51 | Conferences, assemblies

1st Congress of Azerbaijani Scientists was held for the first time in the country and co-organized by Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), Ministry of Communications and High Technologies of AR and Ministry of Education.

Livestream congress that brought together Azerbaijan scientists living in different countries of the world was opened by ANAS president acad. Akif Alizadeh, he greeted the guests and highlighted the congress as a logical outcome of development processes in Azerbaijan science in response to global challenges of the modern world, socio-economic, cultural and spiritual development. Independent Azerbaijan founded by national leader Heydar Aliyev has stepped into a new stage of development as a result of follower Ilham Aliyev's successful policy within more than 10 years. Noteworthy that, the protection and improvement of the scientific potential, national opulence of Azerbaijan, is one of the most important areas of public policy, the effective use of scientific potential for the sake of national progress is one of the key challenges facing the state and society, noted the academician.

Notifying the formation of knowledge society based on intellectual development model in “Azerbaijan 2020: vision to the future” Development Concept approved by Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan as a key strategic line, head of ANAS stated that the Concept has set up completely new tasks before Azerbaijan science. Academician stressed out that, close participation of Azerbaijani scientists in formation of knowledge society makes necessary to mobilize existed scientific potential to the requirement of modern demands, to apply effective organizing measures and new innovative management methods, in general to develop new concept of Azerbaijan science.

Azerbaijani scientists operating in governmental, business and civil societies should mobilize its forces for unique goal, as well as response modern global challenges and missions that set before in terms of strategic development of the country notwithstanding which social group or country they represent, noted acad. Akif Alizadeh and stressed out that, 1st Congress of Azerbaijani Scientist has a such necessity.

Academician Akif Alizadeh stated that, 15 Azerbaijani scientists attended the congress from the U.S. Russian Federation, Germany, Turkey and other countries and he expressed his confidence that they assist for determining the tasks stemming from modern challenges, socio-economic and cultural-moral development of the country, as well as demonstrating solidarity for implementation of upcoming duties.

Head of Humanitarian Policy Department of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Azerbaijan Fatma Abdullazadeh delivered Mr. Pesident Ilham Aliyev’s appeal to the first congress of Azerbaijan scientists.

Delivering a lecture on “Challenges of modern world and priorities of Azerbaijan science” ANAS president acad. Akif Alizadeh shared opinions on tasks of Azerbaijan science in modern stage, establishing scientific basis of social-economic changes which are key element of scientific-technical and innivative development of the country, civil society and culture, achievements successed in the strategic activity fields in terms of formation of knowledge society etc.

In the event have been featured congratulations by prestigious scientists of the foreign countries, Nobel laurates and prominet azerbaijanian scientists to the Congress.

Later on, Minister of Education Mikayil Jabbarov delivered a lecture on topic “On the some issues of science and education integration”. Today's most important problem upcoming us is to achieve integration of science and education, to strenghten their mutual cooperation. Priority determination of the highest schools are also vital task and necessity of measures are taken in this direction, stated minister of Education. Establishing the relevant council coordinating the scientific activity in the highest schools is also one of the main goals, as well. Council aims at determining frame standards of scientific researches at the world level. Speech also conducts that, scientific approaches will be widely developed in preparation of curriculum programs of the secondary schools, and measures will be taken in connection of seeking the financial resources in order to enhance researches in the highest schools. The necessity of magistracy education in ANAS is also was focused on.

Delivering a lecture on “Innovative development: modern views” Minister of Communications and Hi Technologies, acad. Ali Abbasov noted that, issues to be discussed in the congress, new ideas to be stemmed from here compose of the essence of scientific-technical development strategy of the country in general, are very important for future development of economy of the country. Azerbaijani scientists havr achieved direct aplied successes in plenty of sectors of the economy. E.g LED lighting elements capable of low-grade energy, ecologically clean and economically efficient installed in the “clean room” supervised by Hi Technologies Center attached to MCHT, carbon nanotubes extracted of Azerlight oil are contributions to national science. According to the World Economic Forum as a result of new development policy of Mr. Ilham Aliyev Azerbaijan has been included into the most dynamic developed economies of the world in recent 10 years by occupiying 38th place according to the competitvness in economy, 49th place gor ict development, 6th place gor goverment's future approach to ICT in general, macroeconomic stability. However our biggest goal is to minimize economy's dependence on oil. The key goal in Development Concept “Azerbaijan 2020: vision to the future” is to increase GDP on account of nom oil sector for twice. Acad. Ali Abbasov noted that, innovative development policy is set up on the so-called “golden triangle": human capital, flexible scope and capital ( financial resources). At the same time regular upgrading of human capital of the republic, maximizily utilization of young creative hi-intellected individuals' talant is necessary in terms of innovative providing of country. Staff training over ICT, nano technologies, cosmic, microelectronics, nuclear, biotechnologies and other science oriented are priority fileds. Currently, within frame of reforms carried out for development of human resources, innovations such as enhacing training quality in the departments of engineering and exact professions, increasing the number of students educated within State Program in abroad are being applied. Our fund established on account of private companies is also operates over these issues. Wide application of educational model is also a need.

At the end of his speech minister of Communications and Hi Technologies acad. Ali Abbasov noted that, improvement of science, increasing its efficiency depend on several factors. Strenghten the material technical base of database, support for young scientist and specialists, their probation in leading scientific schools of abroad, conducting the joint researches and protection of intellectual property are the key conditions for scientific development.

Congress which was held for the first time in the country is the better platform for discussion of scientific challenges, emerging the new ideas and majorly developing new map of future development of science.

Reporting in the congress vice-president of the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic, vice-president of ANAS Khoshbakht Yusifzadeh, academician-secretary of Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS acad. Ahliman Amiraslanov, Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan acad. Urkhan Alakbarov, director of the Institute of Linguistics of ANAS acad. Tofig Hajiyev, Baku State University dean of the Theology department, Vasim Mammadaliyev, Chairman of ANAS Nakhchivan Department, academician Ismayil Hajiyev, chairman of Ganja branch of ANAS acad. Fuad Aliyev, and director of the Institute of Geography Ramiz Mammadov spoke about the importance of the Congress science development and other priority areas.

It was noted that, Congress attaches great importance in terms of development of the relationship between scientists and researchers working in the academic, educational, business and civil society sectors, including, living in foreign countries, and public discussion of scientific problems of national significance in terms of consensus, as well as solidarity and mutual cooperation in the all fields of science. Virtual presentations by Professor Lotfi Zadeh, famous Azerbaijani scientist at the University of California, Berkeley, Adil Bagirov, professor at Australian Federal University have been made in the event.

Finally, has been adopted the Declaration of the first Congress of Azerbaijani Scientists as well as acad. Irada Huseynova, director of ANAS Institute of Biophysics and Biotechnology made the appeal to the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev by the Congress attendees.