Head of department of the institute Yadigar Imamverdiyev celebrates his 50th anniversary!

14 November 2014 - 12:34 | Jubilees

Head of department of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, PhD in engineering Yadigar Imamverdiyev is 50 years old.

In 1989, he graduated from “Automation of production processes” faculty of Azerbaijan Institute of Petroleum and Chemistry named after M.Azizbeyov.

In 1989-97 years, he worked as a teacher of mathematics and informatics at different education institutions.

In 1998 he was accepted for employment at Scientific information-telecommunication Center of Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences, where he addressed issues of computer networks information security provision.

In 2002, as a respondent, he commenced his work on the subject of “Development of methods and algorithms for synthesis of asymmetrical cryptographic systems in elliptic curves”. In 2006, defense of the thesis took place.

Total number of publishes scientific works is 20, 15 of them were published abroad.

He participated in working groups established in Milli Mejlis for development of such legislative projects as “Electronic signature and electronic document” and “Electronic market”. He is the author of several semi-popular articles, dedicated to establishment of electronic signature infrastructure in the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Currently, he teaches at the Education Center of ANAS Institute of Information Technologies.

He is author of “Technology of electronic signature” and “Basics of cryptography” books in Azerbaijani language.

He works as the head of department at the ANAS Institute of Information Technologies as of 2005.

Y.N.Imamverdiyev teaches at the Education Center of the ANAS Institute of Information Technologies.

He is the co-author of “Technology of electronic signature”, “Basics of cryptography” and “History of cryptography” books in Azerbaijani language.

He works as the head of department in the ANAS Institute of Information Technologies as of 2005.

Dear Yadigar Imamverdiyev, we congratulate you on your 50th anniversary, and wish you good health, new achievements in scientific activities!

Staff of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS!