Research fellow of the Institute of Information Technology visited National State Library of Belarus

13 November 2014 - 15:00 | Important events

As we know, the project manager of the grant on the research of formation of information economy in Azerbaijan supported by the Institute of Information Technology (IIT) of ANAS and Science Development Fund under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, head of department, PhD in economics, associate professor Alovsat Aliyev visited a number organizations of Belarus, including High-Techno park and research institutes of Belarus National Academy of Sciences.

Within the framework of the visit, A.Aliyev visited the Central State Library of Belarus together with the fellows of United Institute of Informatics Problems of Belarus NAS and the participants of 6th Space Forum in order to get familiar with the intelligent potential and innovative environment.

He was informed about the book storage, reading hall, mechanical transportation process of the books by the elevators.

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