The activities of the institute are exhibited at "Baku Science Festival-2014"

11 November 2014 - 14:55 | Important events

"Baku Science Festival-2014" was held for the first time, November 10-11, 2014.

The first day of the festival included eight scientific excursion in total at the National Museum of Azerbaijan History, Museums Archaeology and Ethnography and others, as well as 23 scientific-popular lectures at the Central Scientific Library of ANAS, Institutes of Geology and Geophysics, Physics, Literature, and others, Azerbaijan State Oil Academy, Baku State University, Azerbaijan Medical University and others. On the second day scientists presented interesting and entertaining presentations and exhibits related to their inventions and researches.

Note that the Institute of Information Technologies presented its stand and video on its performance. The guests were informed about the Institute’s research, scientific innovations, works and books, magazines and brochures.

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