The institute researcher made ​​a presentation at the international teleconference

03 November 2014 - 17:12 | Important events

A research fellow of Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, PhD Fargana Abdullayeva made ​​a presentation at the "IEEE 3rd International Conference and Expo on Connected Vehicles"  held in Vienna, Austria, via "GoToMeeting" teleconference system.

Mrs. F. Abdullayeva presented her presentation co-authored by the Director of the Institute, academic secretary of ANAS, acad. Rasim Alguliyev on the Development of risk-factor management method for federation of clouds.

She informed about the proposed method of risk-factor management for federation of clouds. This method is one of the main principles set forth by Buyya for cloud technology, she mentioned. Note that federalization of the clouds in researches is usually achieved through identification.

At the end, the report was discussed, the questions were answered.

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