The institute is represented in the scientific committee of the international conference

02 March 2020 - 17:32 | Conferences, assemblies
The institute is represented in the scientific committee of the international conference

The 9th International Conference on Advanced Technologies (9th International Conference on Advanced Technologies - ICAT'20) will be held on July 01-03, 2020 in Istanbul, Turkey.

The main purpose of the event is to promote cooperation between world universities and scientific organizations in relevant areas, as well as dissemination of best practices and scientific ideas, and the achievement of scientific achievements through the publication of joint scientific works, books, monographs and journals.

The scientific committee of the conference is represented by the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS,  chief researcher, associate professor Zarifa Jabrayilova.

Note that in addition to being published in the conference proceedings, articles of particular interest will be  published in “International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering”, “International Journal of Applied Mathematics, Electronics and Computers”, “International Journal of Energy Applications and Technology”, “International Journal of Automotive Engineering and Technologies”  and “Selcuk-Teknik Journal”.

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