Expert Council of High Technologies Park held a meeting

14 February 2020 - 08:43 | Conferences, assemblies

On February 13, Expert Council of the High Technologies Park of ANAS held a meeting at the same enterprise.

In advance, the report on the tasks of Expert Council of HT Park, newly approved by the decision of the Presidium of ANAS dated December 27, 2019, was given by the chairman of the Expert Council vice-president of ANAS academician Rasim Alguliyev. The scientist noted that the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has carried out purposeful measures to develop various sectors of the economy, and now two-thirds of the gross domestic product in the country's economy falls to the non-oil sector.

Speaking about the importance of multidisciplinary research in the field of artificial intelligence technologies, the chairman of the Council noted the importance of this direction in the modern world.

R.Alguliyev said that the park is regularly underpined by the state, thus, there are certain tax deductions and favorable conditions for applied researches.

Then members of the HT Park Expert Council reported at the event. The implementation of priority research and innovative projects in production, access to the world market, as well as financing of science are topical issues. For this purpose, it is advisable to use high technologies, accept state orders and study foreign experience, was noted.

Speaking later, the Director-General of HT Park Professor Elton Mammadov said that in a short period, much work had been done on the issues raised, and that targeted measures had been taken to ensure the sustainability of the park's residents.

"We are ready to do everything to create and maintain the necessary conditions for every resident of HT Park," he said, noting the need for joint activities of producers and entrepreneurs to commercialize projects.

E. Mammadov stressed the importance of commercialization of scientific researches carried out in the laboratories of ANAS enterprises and organizations, as well as in the universities of the country.

Speaking about the fruitful cooperation with the relevant executive authorities and foreign investors, the director of HT Park said that these relations have already yielded positive results and mutual discussions and several important decisions have been made. He noted that if local producers offer the high quality products, we would be able to create the Azerbaijani brand in the domestic market, which will boost the import and export potential of the country as a whole.

At the end of his speech, E. Mammadov expressed his gratitude to the new members of the Expert Council for addressing urgent problems at the meeting and wished them success in their activities.

The event also addressed the evaluation of innovative or high-tech projects by companies applying for registration as residents of HT Park. The heads of “Buta Armor Technologies” LLC, “4MAPS Information Technologies” LLC and “Ashgar” Scientific Production Association, provided detailed information on their projects.

Finally, numerous questions of members of the Expert Council were responded. After Council members expressed their views on the speeches, the projects were accepted into HT Park's residence.

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