Race cars began to be printed on a 3D printer

10 February 2020 - 11:22 | Technological innovations
Race cars began to be printed on a 3D printer

A woman from South Korea was able to see her daughter three years after her death using VR. The developers created a digital image of the deceased girl, able to talk, hold hands and even have their own birthday.

According to, an incurable disease claimed the life of seven-year-old Nyon girl in 2016. Three years later, Munhwa Broadcasting Corporation began creating a special documentary called “I Met You,” in which engineers and developers decided to “revive” the girl so that her mother, Chan Ji-sen, could meet her daughter, but in VR.

To reunite mother with daughter, a virtual reality headset and tactile gloves were used. The production team spent eight months on the implementation of the entire project. In virtual reality, they recreated a park in which mother and daughter actually visited when the girl was still alive. Then they used motion capture technology to record the movements of the child actor, who became the model for the Nyon digital double.

Chiang Ji-sen was able to talk with her daughter, hold her hand, celebrate her birthday with candles on the cake. Of course, the meeting was a real emotional shock for the woman. She begins to cry right away, as Nyon observes. The rest of the family - father, brother and sister - watch the reunion on the screen and do not hide their tears.

“Maybe it's a real paradise,” Ji-sen said about reunion in VR. “I met Nyon, who called me with a smile for a very short time, but this is a very happy time. I think it was my dream that I always thought about. "

The developers note that such a reconstruction of dead people in the digital world can lead to unforeseen consequences, including for the health of living relatives.

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