Research on evaluation of citizen satisfaction in e-government by using hotspot information

06 February 2020 - 10:08 | Important events
Research on evaluation of citizen satisfaction in e-government by using hotspot information

An article “Using Hotspot Information to Evaluate Citizen Satisfaction in E-Government”  by Gunay Iskandarli, a research fellow at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, was published in the “International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age” " journal.

The article notes that one of the important tasks of e-government is to involve citizens in the decision-making process.

In e-government, citizen satisfaction can be provided by finding hotspot services that the public and specific regions are interested in.  For this purpose, a method for the detection of hotspot services, citizen satisfaction from these services, and the interests of the regions in e-government has been proposed. In this method, the number of uses from services and the service satisfaction rating has been calculated using the satisfaction score given to them, the system has been evaluated and the fields of the common interests of regions to services have been defined. 

The journal, published by “IGI Global”, a leading publishing house in the world, is indexed on the Web of Science. 

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