Smart Glove Gains Grip on Victims of Injuries and Strokes

05 February 2020 - 08:31 | Interesting information
Smart Glove Gains Grip on Victims of Injuries and Strokes

Korean startup Neofect introduced the NeoMano system. The main part of the system is a motorized glove that covers the thumb and first two fingers (index and middle fingers).

It is rigidly connected to the power supply, which, in turn, is attached to an adjustable cuff on the forearm. There is also a remote control that works via Bluetooth. When a person needs to take an object, he simply presses the “Capture” button on the remote control. This activates the gloved motor.

According to, the longer the button is held, the stronger the grip becomes. When you need to release the item, the "Release" button is pressed. With the help of the system, a person can take glasses, forks, knives, spoons, brush teeth, turn door handles. At retail, this system will be sold at an estimated 1999 dollars.

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