Institute employee awarded a reviewer certificate of a prestigious journal

04 February 2020 - 11:51 | Important events
Institute employee awarded a reviewer certificate of a prestigious journal

The chief engineer of department No. 9 of the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS, doctor of philosophy on technology, associate professor Shafagat Makhmudova was awarded the certificate of reviewer of the editorial board of the journal “The journal of Soft Computing in Civil Engeneering (SCCE)  indexed by world-famous databases, for scientific and expert activities like Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and Google Scholar.

SGS-open (online) international magazine founded in 2017. The main scientific areas of the journal are the application of soft computing methods in civil engineering, structural engineering, health diagnostics and monitoring, hydraulic engineering, geotechnics, transport, the environment, coastal and oceanic engineering. SCCE is published 4 times a year.

The journal has the following scientific indicators:

No. of Citations (WOS): 39

No. of Citations (Scopus): 64

Scopus h-index: 5

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