Smart surface will increase Wi-Fi signal 10 times

04 February 2020 - 09:08 | Technological innovations
Smart surface will increase Wi-Fi signal 10 times

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has developed a cheap way to amplify the signal of wireless Internet.

The “smart surface” called RFocus is an array of 3,000 miniature antennas that can be mounted on a wall or a regular board. In fact, this surface acts as a signal amplifier. It takes Wi-Fi from the router and transfers it to other devices.

This provides a cheap and easy way to amplify a Wi-Fi or 5G signal. At the first test, the “smart surface” was able to amplify the signal by 10 times and double the network bandwidth.

Unlike conventional Wi-Fi repeaters and mesh systems, this “smart surface” does not increase the coverage area of ​​the wireless Internet, but rather enhances the signal - it works with any network and does not require additional configuration. This is a turnkey solution that can be placed anywhere.

The “smart surface” turns out to be universal and cheap - one antenna costs a few cents. And from such antennas you can assemble a Wi-Fi amplifier of any shape and scale the system by adding new modules.

According to, potentially such antennas can be installed in the form of special wallpapers that do not require additional wiring. Such “smart surfaces” can help smartphone makers - you can put less powerful antennas to save battery power.

The inventors from MIT have not yet talked about when such "smart surfaces" will appear on the open market.

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