A copy of an 18th-century flute printed on a 3D printer

03 February 2020 - 16:30 | Interesting information
A copy of an 18th-century flute printed on a 3D printer

A handmade flute made exactly according to the model of the 18th-century instrument was “cloned” using a 3D printer.

A music museum in Paris, whose collection includes a 2500-year-old flute made from vulture bone, has recently begun experimenting with additive manufacturing techniques to develop a legacy of antique instruments. The researchers wanted to understand how quickly you can make a copy of the instrument, which in this case will sound just like the original.

According to “Nauka”, before printing, a hand-made copy of an 18th-century flute was examined using x-rays to determine its exact characteristics. It turned out that modern 3D printing can reproduce the tool in just 24 hours, and at the same time the product will cost hundreds of euros instead of thousands.

A handmade copy and a 3D copy were tested by playing the same composition on them and experts could not catch the difference between the sound of two instruments.

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