Artificial snake venom was prepared for the first time

30 January 2020 - 17:04 | Interesting information
Artificial snake venom was prepared for the first time

For the first time, researchers were able to produce snake venom toxins in a laboratory.

Snake venom is needed for the development of medicines and antidotes. A production method that does not require the breeding of real snakes is very valuable for medicine. Poison toxins were obtained from mini-glands obtained thanks to technology adapted to the cultivation of primitive human organs.

According to the television channel «Наука», a group of researchers was able to recreate the glands of South African flap cobra and seven other species of snakes. According to scientists, the new approach is a long-awaited innovation among existing methods for producing poison.

By changing the process of growing human organelles, researchers were able to find the optimal regime that supports the growth of tiny snake glands. Tissues were removed from snake embryos and placed in a special gel mixed with nutrients, without access to stem cells. The cells began to rapidly divide and form structures that within a couple of months produced small droplets from which poison toxins could be collected. Four different types of cells have been identified by researchers in artificially grown toxic glands. Scientists were also able to confirm that the produced toxic peptides are biologically active and very similar to those found in the venom of living snakes.

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