Wikipedia has reached a new record

27 January 2020 - 14:12 | Internet-50
Wikipedia has reached a new record

Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales saw the main goal of creating his brainchild as providing free access to all knowledge. According to the most conservative estimates, in order to make a “backup of humanity”, the online library should contain at least 104 million articles. Now she is one step closer to this goal.

The other day, the English version of Wikipedia set another record - a six millionth article in English was published. It is dedicated to Maria Elise Turner Lauder, a 19th-century Canadian school teacher, traveler and science fiction writer.

At the current rate of adding information, it will take at least another 20 years to complete the task of digitizing all the knowledge of humanity. It is worth noting that the number of articles in other languages ​​is still noticeably behind the English ones. For example, at the time of writing the news, the Russian version of Wikipedia contained more than 1.59 million articles. The English edition is also called the most visited project on the site - about 255 million pages per day. According to the analytic company SimilarWeb, Wikipedia ranks eighth in the world in attendance.

According to, the German and French Wikis contain 2.3 and 2.1 million articles, respectively. Thus, for non-English versions of the full “backup of humanity,” it will take much more time.

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