To the attention of Phd and doctoral candidates preparing for exams in foreign languages!

10 January 2020 - 08:53 | Announcements
To the attention of Phd and doctoral candidates preparing for exams in foreign languages!

As it is known, according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 443 of November 13, 2019, on amendments to the "Rules for the establishment of doctoral programs and admission to the doctoral degree", those wishing to enter the doctoral program and take the exams in the amount of training programs that are available.

The foreign language exam is conducted by the State Examination Center of the Republic of Azerbaijan. The content, timing, procedure for evaluating the results of exams and passing score on the foreign language exam are determined by the SEC in coordination with the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Exam questions and essay writing generally take 2 hours and 30 minutes.

In accordance with the European recommendation to determine the level of knowledge of foreign languages (CEFR) and the structure of international language exams, it is planned to check and assess the level of candidates' knowledge of foreign languages, reading, understanding, writing and speaking skills, communicative language skills, vocabulary and grammar minimum. Due to the fact that verification of negotiation skills requires special preparatory work, training and education of personnel who will conduct the assessment, and this requires a significant amount of time and resources, it is planned to test skills in this area not during the current admission campaign, but with next reception.

According to reports, the State Examination Center entrance exam programs that determine the content and purpose of the foreign language exam for those wishing to enter a doctoral program are available on the official website of this organization and submitted to candidates. Those who have prepared for doctoral studies and dissertations can download and familiarize themselves with the foreign language admission programs at the given links (Azerbaijan, Russian).

The purpose of the entrance examination for doctoral studies in foreign languages is to assess the following skills in accordance with B2 CEFR level. Summarizing the skills tested and evaluated in the program, we once again bring to your attention.