Academician Rasim Alguliyev: "Technology demonstrates that it is an integral part of world civilization with the contribution of integrating cultures"

20 December 2019 - 21:15 | Conferences, assemblies

Speaking at the LOLA event "Connecting traditions"  held today in Baku, Azerbaijan.  Vice-President of ANAS, Director of the Institute of Information Technology, academician Rasim Alguliyev noted that this event is of great importance for science and education in Azerbaijan. He noted that one of the main goals of the Eastern Partnership is to establish a broadband Internet network and integrate relevant agencies in the European science and education network, supporting international scientific cooperation of scientists and specialists working in those countries. He also stressed that the Institute actively involved in this process.

According to him, within the framework of EaPConnect project, efforts were made to increase the speed of the Internet to 3Gbps and backups to 1Gbps, and 70% of the speed allocated for educational institutions.

R. Alguliyev noted that after the implementation of the LOLA system at the Academy, a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Baku Academy of Music and the Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre and countries such as Latvia and Belarus applied to Azerbaijan for joint projects. He noted that the system was developed by the Trieste Conservatory named after Giuseppe Tartini, which cooperates with GARR, Italy's science and research network. He said that the system is currently being connected to over 107 points from more than 30 countries and 80 cities.

The academician noted that in April of this year, the Institute, supported by the AzscienceNet science and education network, with the participation of Estonian representatives, was shown a trial mode of the LOLA audiovisual broadcast system installed at BMA. He said that during the experiments,  an online connection with Estonia via a LOLA based on remote-controlled technology was created and music pieces performed.

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