Azerbaijani Scientists diaspora established in Paris

16 December 2019 - 13:08 | Important events
Azerbaijani Scientists diaspora established in Paris

In Paris, the organization of the French-Azerbaijani Dialogue Association (ADFA) and the support of the Azerbaijani Embassy in France and the Fund for the Support of the Azerbaijani Diaspora laid the foundation for the Azerbaijani scientific diaspora.

The meeting, which took place in the Cultural Center of the Embassy of our country in France, was attended by Azerbaijani youth receiving masters and doctoral degrees at French universities, as well as those who have already received a doctorate and are engaged in scientific research.

Opening the meeting, the President of ADFA, Dr. Gunel Safarova spoke about the development of joint projects using the electronic portals of the State Committee for Work with the Diaspora and the Diaspora Support Fund of Azerbaijan.

Then the ambassador of our country in France Rakhman Mustafayev emphasized the importance of creating a scientific diaspora. He put forward proposals and recommendations on the organization of the scientific diaspora. R. Mustafayev expressed readiness to provide the necessary support in expanding the list of publications related to Azerbaijan in the libraries of French universities.

Then an exchange of views took place on the structure, goals, responsibilities, charter, the strategy of the scientific diaspora in France and proposals were put forward. Young people unanimously supported the creation of a scientific diaspora and expressed their opinion on the need to create an association in this area and develop an electronic scientific journal.

The event also presented information on the information system "Azerbaijan Scientific Diaspora" prepared by the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS and Azerbaijani student organizations in France.

In the end, it was decided to hold regular meetings to determine an action plan.

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