‘Connecting Traditions’ LoLa concert between Azerbaijan and Estonia

19 December 2019 - 08:20 | Announcements
‘Connecting Traditions’ LoLa concert between Azerbaijan and Estonia

Lola concert will be held at the Baku Academy of Music named after Uzeyir Hajibeyov on 20 December 2019. The event will kick off at 18:00 o’clock with speeches by high-level guests and performances by artists in Baku and Tallinn, Estonia, connected via R&E networks with LoLa (low latency) technology will complete the event.

One of the main topics of the meeting held on "GEANT’s role in the integration of the Azerbaijani science and education into Europe", June 22, 2018, was the introduction of GEANT’s services in Azerbaijan within the EaPConnect project which is connecting the Eastern Partnership countries and funded by European Commission. One of these services is LOLA (LOw LAtency) audiovisual streaming system which allows performing virtual orchestra functions on the Internet platform.  It was developed by Conservatorio di Musica Giuseppe Tartini from Trieste (Italy) in collaboration with GARR, the Italian national research and education network organization. LOLA audiovisual streaming system has already been operated in a test mode with a live connection to other LOLA systems installed in Estonia.

This performance is organized by the EU-funded EaPConnect project in collaboration with the national research and education network (NREN) organizations, AzScienceNet in Azerbaijan ( IIT of ANAS),  EENet in Estonia, and GARR in Italy, and with the Baku Academy of Music named after Uzeyir Hajibeyov, and the Estonian Academy of Music. 

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