A new model of robots from "Toyota"

04 December 2019 - 12:15 | Technological innovations
A new model of robots from "Toyota"

Robot Welwalk WW-2000, developed by the Japanese Toyota Motor Corporation, is designed to rehabilitate people with paralysis of the lower extremities. The new robot, according to Toyota officials, is an evolutionary development of the already proven Welwalk series.

The Welwalk WW-2000 model can cope with the same tasks as its predecessors - the 1000 series robots. However, the new machine allows for rehabilitation measures with higher efficiency, plus, the Welwalk WW-2000 is much easier to maintain and assemble. which is important in conditions of widespread use of robots in medical institutions.

According to, the new robot from Toyota is able to some extent replace live doctors and specialists in the field of rehabilitation of paralyzed people. The robot is equipped with numerous cameras that allow specialists to monitor the progress of rehabilitation and make the necessary adjustments. Plus, in the new Welwalk model, there are motivating games that should help with setting up patients in the right way.

Note that Toyota has been creating robots for rehabilitation since 2007. The Welwalk WW-1000 model is actively used in eighty medical facilities in Japan and was awarded the prestigious robot award last year.