A new computing device that does not use electricity introduced

03 December 2019 - 11:58 | Interesting information
A new computing device that does not use electricity introduced

Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have proposed a new method for computing processes in which the device will not use electricity and generate heat. Instead, researchers use magnetic materials and their properties.

According to, scientists also use quantum effects - for example, the transfer of the spin moment of elementary particles. Thus, their device can switch from one state to another without consuming electricity, only on magnetic and spin effects. Scientists are confident that this will reduce emissions of harmful substances into the environment and increase the capacity of devices in the future.

Power will increase due to the fact that classic computers use a huge amount of electricity for computing and storing data and generate a lot of heat in vain. In search of more effective alternatives, the researchers began to develop “spinotron” magnetic devices that consume relatively little electricity and practically do not produce heat.

In order to increase the potential of the devices, the researchers used a phenomenon called the spin wave. This is the quantum property of electrons in magnetic materials with a lattice structure. In such materials, the magnetization is ordered, and the arising disturbances are not localized, but begin to propagate in the form of a wave.

Earlier, engineers from the University of Tokyo created a tangible landscape interface that with the help of an ultrasonic emitter and a projector allows you to turn a balloon into an interactive screen. The work is presented at the SIGGRAPH Asia 2019 conference.