The conference on topical multidisciplinary problems of information security terminated

29 November 2019 - 17:50 | Conferences, assemblies

The closing ceremony of the 5th Republican Conference "Actual multidisciplinary scientific-practical problems of information security" organized by the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan and the IIT of ANAS at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS was held.

The chairmen of the conference sections highly appreciated the reports presented at the sessions. They highlighted the importance of the conference in exchanging ideas, knowledge and experience, creating new opportunities for addressing existing problems in this area, and addressing scientific, theoretical, practical and humanitarian issues of information security.

Deputy Director of the Institute of Information Technology, Ph.D. Rashid Alalkbarov noted that the aim of today’s conference challenges on “Scientific and technological problems of personal data security", "Scientific-humanitarian problems of personal data security" and “Scientific-practical problems of personal data security was reflected. Significant scientific results were obtained in the conducted scientific researches, he noted.

At the end of the conference, he thanked those who took an active part in the conference.

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