V Republican Conference “Actual multidisciplinary scientific-practical problems of information security”

29 November 2019 - 13:10 | Conferences, assemblies

Speaking at the 5th Republican Conference "Actual multidisciplinary scientific and practical problems of information security", Deputy Minister of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of the Republic of Azerbaijan Elmir Velizade mentioned that the conference on information security is one of the most pressing scientific problems of the global information society.

“Global changes in cybersecurity affect the public sector and other areas”, he noted. Valizade said that a number of international standards were adopted in the country in order to improve the level of information security. He said that this has allowed for a number of measures for information security in the public and private sectors.

Expressing his gratitude to the ANAS and the Institute for the initiative to hold the event at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, Valizade said that such conferences in the country would contribute to the development of relevant areas and to a greater emphasis on information security.

Then Azer Ahadov, Deputy Chief of the State Agency for Private Security and Information Security of the State Security Service, highlighted the importance of the conference and informed about works  done  on education of private and other bodies in the field of cyber security, formation of a culture of information security, protection of information processes, protection of information resources and systems against possible threats. A. Ahadov said that the Coordination Commission for Information Security was established to assess the threats to information security in Azerbaijan, coordinate the activities of relevant government agencies in the area of preventing possible threats, planning and implementing joint activities.

Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Major-General, Doctor of Technical Sciences Iqbal Babayev reminded that recently the Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the State Customs Committee and ANAS. Noting that the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS has a special role in signing the memorandum, the scientist emphasized the importance of this memorandum in terms of scientific research, the use of information technology.

Then deputy of the Milli Mejlis of Azerbaijan, chairman of Azerbaijan Press Council Aflatun Amashov, noted the importance of the conference held for the fifth time. He said that holding such events had great opportunities in terms of discussing topical issues of information security.

Special attention is paid to ensuring the information security space in our country, he noted. For this purpose it was necessary to prevent the creation of the Electronic Security Center under the Ministry of Transport, Communication and High Technologies and the State Agency for Special Communication and Information Security of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Then, the President of the Azerbaijan Internet Forum Osman Gunduz spoke about the security of personal data in a globalized world. The development of technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, cyber-physical systems, big data, mobile technologies, cloud computing, and social networks pose serious problems in terms of personal data security.

According to him, formation of information security culture in the society, reliable management of personal data security is one of the important factors.

Then, the Vice-President of ANAS, Director of the Institute of Information Technology, academician Rasim Aliguliyev noted that measures were taken to expand ICT application in state bodies, secure information exchange on the basis of single network infrastructure. The academician said that a number of important documents were adopted to improve the legislative framework of ensuring information security in Azerbaijan.

R. Alguliyev noted that the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS provided scientific support to the work on strengthening the legislative, normative and legal framework in the field of information security, and conducted research on the solution of various problems of information security.

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