President of ANAS Ramiz Mehdiyev got acquainted with the innovative conditions created at the Institute of Information Technology

29 November 2019 - 13:55 | Conferences, assemblies

On November 29, President of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev got acquainted with the material and technical capacity of the Institute of Information Technology and conditions created at the Institute.

Director of IIT of ANAS, academician Rasim Alguliyev noted that the organization consists of such centers as Scientific Research, Teaching Innovation, E-Library, Multimedia, as well as AzScienceNet's computer network, such as Data Centers, Internet Services Centers, Network Security and AzScienceCERT.

He said that the main objectives of the Institute are to solve problems of information technologies and information society, to study various scientific-theoretical bases, to integrate acquired knowledge, new ideas and solutions into society, to carry out joint scientific research aimed at achieving high results.

According to the academician, his organization is closely involved in the implementation of relevant state programs and regularly supports the formation of electronic science.

Rashid Alakbarov, deputy director of technology at the institute provided information about AzScienceNet network activities. In addition to the research institutions of ANAS, educational institutions of the country also have access to the AzScienceNet network and data center services of the Institute. Speaking about the services provided by the Data Center, the scientist noted that there are computing systems that help to process and remember complex issues through the use of computing and memory resources.

Head of Training Innovation Center, Rasmiyya Mahmudova gave detailed information about the activity of the Center.

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