Institute staff participated in the "Federated Cloud II" workshop for EaPConnect partners

27 November 2019 - 09:30 | Conferences, assemblies

On November 21-22, an international seminar on "Federated Cloud II" on cloud technologies and cloud applications was held in Rome, Italy, under the project EaPConnect.

The two-day workshop was intended for EAP Countries and representatives from partner countries attended the workshop.

The main purpose of the workshop was to discuss the challenges, problems and solutions facing EaPConnect member states, and to provide information and expert support and practical recommendations to member organizations.

At the Federated Cloud II seminar,  Tural Mustafayev, Chief Specialist of the Institute of Information Technology, Senior researcher,  Associate Professor Lyudmila Sukhostat and Leading Researcher, Associate Professor Fargana Abdullayeva attended the workshop from IIT of ANAS. 

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