The efficiency of the Internet services provided to the group of corporate users is improved

08 October 2014 - 14:44 | Conferences, assemblies
The efficiency of the Internet services provided to the group of corporate users is improved

Head of the department No. 4 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, PhD Rashid Alakbarov presented his report for 9 months.

First, he informed about the research activities carried out in the department, and the development of the models and algorithms to improve the efficiency of the Internet services provided to the group of corporate users, and of AzScienceNet, as well as about the development of methods and algorithms for the synthesis of virtual computing environments.

The department implements reconstruction of AzScienceNet infrastructure at the main building, and provides new services (Wi-Fi, Eduroam, Cloud Computing, and others.) to the institutions and organizations of ANAS. Video monitoring system is to be installed at the Round Hall of ANAS, and Wi-Fi service to be provided, a digital library of the Institute of Information Technology is intended to be developed, he noted.

The report was discussed, and recommendations were made​​.

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