Personal data security in social networks explored

22 November 2019 - 12:51 | Conferences, assemblies

At today's scientific seminar of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, senior researcher of the institute Marziya Ismayilova made a report on "Personal information Security problems in social networks and protection measures". She said that the need to secure the security of personal data in the modern era is an objective reality. 

According to, the number of active social media users in the world is expected to reach 2.96 billion by 2020, accounting for about a third of the world's population. From this point of view, privacy in social networks is a critical issue.

She noted that a number of legislative acts adopted by the United States, the European Union, Russia and Azerbaijan on the protection of personal data, and provided information on the history of various social networking sites, social network privacy and security threats.

Threats to social networks are divided into four categories related to multimedia content - traditional, social, and child safety, she noted.

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