Canadian company developed material that makes you invisible

15 November 2019 - 14:14 | Technological innovations
Canadian company developed material that makes you invisible

Yesterday's science fiction is gradually becoming a reality. Vancouver-based Hyperstealth Biotechnology from Vancouver has developed and patented a thin material that provides, in her words, "quantum invisibility." He is able to do some things for himself almost completely indistinguishable. A power source is not required. It is assumed that in the future, structures made of such material will be used by soldiers and police.

The Canadian company is developing special camouflage uniforms that are used in the armies of the USA, India, Jordan, UAE, Canada, Slovakia, New Zealand. The foundations for the “fabric with invisibility” were laid back in 2010, and now the technology has been presented to the general public. Previously, the army of Britain and the United States expressed interest in it.

The press release contains information about the features of the futuristic material. Guy Kramer, president of Hyperstealth and the inventor of invisibility fabric, has filed four patent applications for technologies that make it work. Here is a brief summary of each of them:

1. "Quantum invisibility." The main technology on which everyone else is built. Plastic-like material for invisibility. The rays of light, falling into microscopic lenses, are scattered and washed off, and everything that is at a certain distance behind the material becomes indistinguishable. A new type of plastic not only bends the rays in the visible spectrum, but also in ultraviolet and infrared light.

The patent describes 13 different material options, with different configurations, which can work in different environments and different conditions. The design features of the material have not yet been disclosed to the general public. Potential uses include police shields that are not visible behind them.