Festival Roboday organized as part of Innovation Week

20 October 2019 - 13:38 | Important events

The Roboday festival was held at Heydar Aliyev Center within the InnoWeek - Innovation Week, organized by the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies and the Innovation Agency in partnership with the Azerbaijan Robotics and Engineering Academy (AREA), SUMAKS Academy, Engineering for Kids and Mars Academy.

Exhibitions on working with various robots and stands equipped with an area of application and entertainment in the field of robotics were organized at the festival, which is part of the Robopark project.  In addition, various trainings were held, including Dron, Robofootball and Robosumo competitions in order to familiarize the younger generation with drones and robots, educate them in the field of robotics. A show of robots was also organized. Car simulators of "Formula 1" were installed in the entertainment area.

AREA created a separate venue in the Regular category for the World Robot Olympiad (WRO).

Besides that, within the Roboday festival, information was provided on educational programs STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths) in order to contribute to the development of innovative IT engineers and increase interest in this area from an early age.

Representatives of 10 agencies took part in STEAM and an educational exhibition on robotics, including the ICT Applying and Training Center (İKT LAB), Azerbaijan Robotics and Engineering Academy (AREA), SUMAKS, Engineering for Kids, Mars Academy, BNB Dynamics, Baku Modern Educational Complex, Matrix Training Center, Early Childhood Development Center – Smart Owl lyceum.

“Zafar” (‘Victory’) Public Union for Support of Martyrs' Families organized the visit of martyrs’ children, students of various schools and inmates of children’s homes to the festival.

Note that the principal goal of the Robopark project is to increase interest in robotics, attract successful robotics projects to contests and create opportunities for their commercialization.