A new type of electronic card will be tested in test mode

09 October 2019 - 11:46 | Interesting information
A new type of electronic card will be tested in test mode

Starting next year, a pilot project will be launched in Tatarstan, the Kemerovo and Moscow regions to create unified medical records for workers, Rossiyskaya Gazeta reports. The idea is to record data on cards not only about the workers ’appeals to polyclinics, hospitals and workshop doctors, but also the results of professional examinations.

The platform "Unified (electronic) medical card of the employee" will allow taking into account data from individual devices for assessing the state of human health (glucometers, pedometers, gas analyzers), and with a long period of disability - analyze the actions of doctors and patient behavior. With the help of the system, the approach to managing people and prolonging the period of active life should change in general.

Changes in insurance rates for employers are expected, depending on whether the company has programs to maintain the health of workers or not. If there are programs and they are effective (employees are less likely to get sick), tariffs will be reduced. And electronic medical records will help analyze the effectiveness of such programs.