A seminar on the rules for publication articles in international scientific journals held

03 October 2019 - 15:58 | Conferences, assemblies

At the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, the Clarivate Analytics agency held a seminar for the organization’s employees. The seminar was dedicated to the topics “Recommendations on writing articles in international scientific journals” and “Fight against predatory journals”.

Opening the event, ANAS vice-president, director of the institute, academician Rasim Aliguliyev gave information on the issues on the agenda, emphasizing the importance of such seminars for informing the institute staff about writing articles in international scientific journals.

Then, an expert of the information resources agency Inesh Kenjina stated that in accordance with the cooperation agreement between ANAS and Clarivate Analytics, ANAS scientific institutions and organizations have access to the Web of Science database, which is the agency’s bibliometric network.

First, she presented a report on the rules for writing articles in international scientific journals, provided information about the article submission process, additional files needed to download the article, the rules for writing the article and the submission process, and the general structure of modern English language rules.

Speaking about the process of publishing articles in journals with impact factor, she emphasized that during this process a magazine will be selected first, then, in accordance with the requirements of the journal, the article is documented, it is sent for review, and only after that publications are accepted.

I. Kenjina informed about the rules of using the Web of Science platform and the requirements for publishing articles in journals included in the database.

Then the speaker spoke about the methods of dealing with "predatory" journals and gave information about the current problems of publishing articles in international scientific journals. She noted that with the increase in the number of "rich" magazines in the world, their identification has also become more complicated. She emphasized the need to focus on such predatory metrics as Global Impact Factor, International Impact Factor, General Impact Factor, Cosmos Impact Factor, International Journal Impact Factor and others.

She provided information on the Beall’s list, a blacklist of predatory magazines and publications.

She also presented a list of Azerbaijani journals in the Web of Science Core Collection, talked about ways to increase the number of article views and the need to register scientists on the Publons website. She emphasized that “Publons” allow scientists to be recognized in the international arena, to concentrate all their articles on one page, to increase the number of links to articles and to receive a number of advantages when applying for grants.

I. Kenjina also presented a comparative analysis of average reference indicators for 2013-2018 for different countries.

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