Built Robotics turns old bulldozers into building robots

03 October 2019 - 09:54 | Interesting information
Built Robotics turns old bulldozers into building robots

It is estimated that by 2030 the construction industry on a planetary scale will operate $ 8 trillion. funds, mainly due to the growth of industrial and infrastructure projects in the USA, China and India. At the same time, the demand for qualified personnel will sharply increase, which is already lacking in 90% of cases today. The builders complain that they can’t put an experienced foreman at the same time at all sites, so they are forced to work in stages, which is long and expensive.

Built Robotics offers to optimize the process by turning ordinary construction equipment into robots that can perform the simplest types of work themselves. For example, an excavator will dig a pit of a given size, and a bulldozer will clear the site without direct human control. This will allow more flexible use of human resources and partially compensate for the shortage of personnel.

We are talking about the modernization of the old, primitive by today's standards of technology. To do this, engineers put on the bulldozers cameras, lidars, GPS-navigators and use simple software for setting tasks. Cars cannot leave the specified area of ​​work, they have several security systems so that they do not run into anyone or anything, plus an emergency shutdown button.

The fact that this idea is attractive is evidenced by the following fact: Built Robotics recently attracted $ 33 million of investments for the first stage of modernization of old equipment. Contrary to fears, robots will not compete with builders - they can do only the simplest tasks. But this is for the better - people will have an incentive to get an education and improve their skills, rather than engage in heavy low-paid manual labor.