Graduate students majoring in Information Protection and Information Security are taught the ethical hacking method

25 September 2019 - 21:52 | Conferences, assemblies

On September 25, at the Institute of Information Technologies of ANAS, the next scientific seminar of the Department No. 2 on the topic "Problems of organizing a course on ethical hacking" was held.

The report was presented by the head of the institute’s department, Ph.D. in engineering, associate professor Yadigar Imamverdiyev. He noted that in recent years, teaching the ethical hacking method has become an important component of information security education. Such an approach to education allows preparing more qualified specialists in comparison with the approach based on training in defense methods.

According to the head of the department, in order to prepare graduate students of the institute in the specialty “Information Protection and Information Security” in accordance with modern requirements and tasks, to improve scientific and practical work in this direction, the institute’s leadership raised the question of developing and teaching the course “Ethical hacking methods”

The speaker also noted that the term “hacking” is usually used to gain unauthorized access to the system by finding weaknesses in the information system. However, you can also use hacking methods for the benefit of society. Because ethical hacking is one of the most reliable ways to assess the level of information security in any organization. This case is considered ethical since it is carried out exclusively at the request of the owner of the information system and is aimed at preventing unwanted intrusions. Ethical hacking enables organizations to increase information security by identifying and addressing gaps and weaknesses.

In conclusion, an exchange of views on the report took place, questions were answered.

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