In Russia, experiencing "military Internet"

02 August 2019 - 10:48 | Internet-50
In Russia, experiencing "military Internet"

The Russian armed forces are mastering high-speed information exchange lines: the Ministry of Defense tested the work of the “military Internet”.

According to Izvestia, with reference to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, information exchange at a speed of 300 megabits per second took place between field control points at a distance of more than two thousand kilometers. To create ultra-long data transmission lines, the military used special equipment and more than one and a half thousand mobile communications and encryption complexes.

The new system allows you to exchange information at a distance of several thousand kilometers, while all communication channels are reliably protected from hacking, according to the Ministry of Defense, and third-party access to such networks is impossible. The exercises were held in the Central Military District and included the creation of special radio channels through which digital information was transmitted.

The exchange was provided by a highly secure local wireless network that allowed the transfer of large files, including audio and video. More than 4,500 troops were involved in the exercises, and more than 1,500 modern means of communication were used to create a wireless network. During the exercise, digital and mobile videoconferencing systems MKS-P and ZVKS MK, as well as the Belozer space station R-438-H were used.

All transmitted data was classified as Nickel mobile complexes: a high-speed crypto-router allows you to create secure networks for transmitting information and encrypt any streaming information. All military vehicles were able to deploy within an hour. The network is completely autonomous and does not have traffic exchange points connecting it to the Internet.