Academician Rasim Aliguliyev: “To obtain high scientific results in the field of medical sciences, there is a great need for specialists with multidisciplinary knowledge”

10 Jule 2019 - 11:00 | Important events

At the meeting of the Bureau of the  Division of Physical, Mathematical and Technical Sciences, President of ANAS, Academician Rasim Aliguliyev expressed his opinion on the report of Corresponding Member of ANAS Oktay Gasimov "Multidisciplinary study of pulmonary carcinomas and neurodegenerative amyloid diseases: results, forecasts, and further directions."

Stressing the relevance of the topic, the academician expressed his gratitude to the scientists who participated in the research conducted in this field. He said that a reflection of the research conducted and the results obtained in reputable journals of the world with a high citation index confirms that serious scientific achievements have been obtained in this area.

He noted that lately under the leadership of the President of ANAS, academician Akif Alizadeh in ANAS, multidisciplinary research has become widespread and the report meets the requirements of world medical science and combines several scientific fields.

R.Aligulyev recalled the joint scientific session of the General Meeting of ANAS and the Board of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan held in 2018: “At that meeting, there were calls to scientists and specialists in the relevant field of joint activities in such fields as biomedicine, molecular medicine, molecular biology, etc. Today, this report, which is the result of joint activities of several institutes of ANAS, the National Center of Oncology and other organizations related to the health care system, shows that those appeals yielded positive results.”

Highly appreciating the use of artificial intelligence technologies in research, the academician said that the exact sciences play a large role in the development of medical sciences. He added that in order to obtain more serious, high scientific results in the field of medical sciences there is a great need for specialists with multidisciplinary knowledge, combining several scientific fields.

Academician R. Aliguliyev also stressed the need to study world practice in connection with the use of computer technologies, deep learning methods, artificial neural networks, etc. in the course of research.

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