Head of department of the Institute was on business trip in Italy

03 Jule 2019 - 15:00 | Important events

The head of the department of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, corresponding member of ANAS, doctor of technical sciences, professor Masuma Mammadova visited a scientific mission in Milan, Italy to take part in the 8th thematic seminar "Forecasting skills in the labor market and digital transformation of the correspondence between demand and the proposal. "

The seminar was held with the joint organizational support of the European Commission, the European Training Foundation and the University of Bicocca (Italy) in the framework of the 4th Platform of the Eastern Partnership Program. Azerbaijan was represented at the seminar by an expert group composed of employees of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of Population, the Ministry of Education, the State Statistics Committee and the Institute of Information Technologies.

At the event, in accordance with the global technological appeals of the European Union, issues such as forecasting the future of the labor market, institutions, jobs and the necessary new skills were discussed.

At the seminar M.Mammadova made a presentation “Azerbaijan: initiatives and achievements in the field of formation and development of the ecosystem of forecasting and correspondence between supply and demand in the labor market”. The scientist spoke about the work and research that is carried out in our country in this direction.

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