Research on the problems of obtaining knowledge from a large data set

01 Jule 2019 - 15:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The semi-annual report of the Department No.1 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS for 2019 was delivered. The slides were presented by the Institute’s chief engineer, Ph.D. in engineering, associate professor Makrufa Hajirahimova. She gave information about the research activities of the department, lectures at scientific seminars and conferences, publications of articles in well-known scientific journals, etc.

She said that, under the theme “Problems of obtaining knowledge from large-scale data collection,” a text mining approach was developed to identify threats to national security in large social network data, an in-depth training model was developed for the sentiment of social network data analysis, and scientific and theoretical problems of in-depth study were researched. In addition, to increase the efficiency of search engines in large-scale data, to detect DoS-attacks, models and algorithms were developed, as well as problems of registration of domain names with the Azerbaijani alphabet.

She spoke about the work carried out in the framework of the department's research and innovation activities and stressed that a theme was presented to the grant of the project of the Scientific Fund of the State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic.

M.Hajirahimova also gave information on the scientific-pedagogical and scientific-organizational activities of the department.

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