Smart saw that stops functioning when in contact with skin

01 Jule 2019 - 10:36 | Interesting information
Smart saw that stops functioning when in contact with skin

It is known that professions associated with the use of the saw, are considered risky for human security. Often there are cases of paresis of the fingers in humans. SawStop, an American saw manufacturer, has developed an important technology in this direction.

The saw “Jobsite Saw” works with a computer system. The device located in the lower part detects the contact of the saw with the skin with the help of various sensors, as a result of which it stops the operation of the saw.

The time between understanding that the saw came into contact with the saw and stopping the saw is about 5 milliseconds. Considering the incline of 10 inches, it can be considered fast enough to stop within 5 milliseconds. The company used this technology on previous models, but this time it further improved the new product.

Note that the “Jobsite Saw” price is $ 1,300.

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