Perspectives of application of information technologies in the analysis of social processes

28 June 2019 - 15:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of Department №17 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS was held. Opening the event, vice-president of ANAS, director of the institute, academician Rasim Alguliyev emphasized the necessity of regular holding of such seminars in terms of increasing the effectiveness of scientific-research works.

Then, the chief specialist of the institute, Ph.D. on technical sciences Irada Alakbarova presented a report on "Social Informatics: Application of Information Technologies in the Analysis of Social Processes" and informed about the relevance of the problem and the purpose of the research.

The main objective in social science research, based on the synthesis of information technology with sociology, is the assessment of possible threats and opportunities in the socio-economic life of a person and the development of society through ICT.

I. Alakbarova spoke about the scientific activity of well-known social researchers. She noted that different analytical systems are being used today in different state bodies, using social theories in business.

She provided detailed information on some international conferences in the world of social informatics and the issues discussed there. At present, the Institute of Information Technology conducts research in "Mining Big Social Data", "Opinion Mining" and "Social Media Analytics".

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