Current state and problems of Internet sociology studied

19 June 2019 - 12:07 | Conferences, assemblies

Institute of Information Technology of ANAS held the next scientific seminar dedicated to the theme "Contemporary situation and problems of Internet sociology".

Programmer Konul Dashdamirova gave detailed information on the history of Internet sociology, its current state, digital sociology, online research methods, world experience in Internet sociology and situation in Azerbaijan. He said that Internet sociology studies the existing information environment in society, interacts with people during the exchange of information, envisages the use of sociological theories and methodology on the Internet.

The reporter said that Internet sociology had begun to form in the late 1990s and that digital sociology had been formed since the 2000s. She also presented the Digital In 2019 report by We are social and Hootsuite, providing information on the world's active mobile and Internet, as well as the number of social media users, and active user accounts on social platforms.

Cyber-ethnography, an online research methodology, focused on studying communities and cultures on the Internet, with the use of online reporting methods (Internet research, Internet science, iScience, or web-based techniques), by researchers, to use the ethnographic methods of reporting. He spoke about Internet-focus groups, the online research technology used to collect high-quality data.

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