Headphones accused of developing serious health problems

12 June 2019 - 14:48 | Interesting information
Headphones accused of developing serious health problems

Evgeny Garov, Head of the Research Department of Microsurgery of the Ear of the Research and Development Clinical Institute of Otorhinolaryngology. L.Sverzhevsky, warns of the danger of improper use of headphones. According to "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", headphones can lead to hearing loss, the formation of sulfuric plugs and even injury to the ear canal.

With prolonged exposure to a sound wave, headaches and hearing problems often appear. To reduce the corresponding risk, it is not recommended to listen to music with headphones for more than three hours a day. And by the way, it is worth taking breaks every 30-40 minutes. The volume at the same time should be on average, comfortable for the ear indicators. Low frequencies (bass) are considered the most dangerous.

As for the formation of sulfur plugs, this problem arises because of a violation of the self-cleaning process of the auditory canal during long-term wearing of headphones. If the headphones also do not fit, then ear injury and the ingress of bacteria is possible. The result is an ear infection.