Methods and algorithms for intellectual analysis of demographic processes to be developed

31 Mai 2019 - 09:52 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of the Department №17 of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS was held. The seminar was opened by the vice-president of ANAS, the director of the institute, academician Rasim Aliguliyev. He gave information on the agenda.

The Ph.D. student of the institute Sona Mammadova presented a report on the topic “Electronic demography: current state and prospects”. She provided information on the directions of demographic research, spoke about the importance of accurately determining demographic indicators in terms of migration and good governance of society.

She gave an explanation of many demographic terms and spoke about the law of the English economist, demographer Thomas Robert Malthus "An Essay on the Principle of Population." 

She also provided information about the sources of primary data in the field of demographic statistics and spoke about the basic principles of the population census.

S. Mammadova also gave information on the Demographic Observing System (DSS), the INDEPTH network and X-Road technologies, Data Exchange Layer X-tee.

In conclusion, R. Aliguliyev also recommended to deepen the research, explore the essence of demography, analyze the issues discussed at international conferences and events on population research, and identify problems.

Then a report on the topic “Mathematical Modeling of Social Relations in the E-Government Environment and Principles of Work of Existing Systems” was presented by the candidate for a degree of the Institute Yegana Aslanbek. The speaker gave a classification of social relations, spoke about social groups and their main features and differences. Analyzing social relations, she gave information about ready-made information systems.

Academician R. Aliguliyev noted that the research topics of the doctoral candidate are of great importance in the modern era. The head of the department emphasized the importance of the division of labor among employees for the effective conduct of research and identifying solutions, noted the importance of effective use of scientific literature in the light of work experience and education of each colleague. The academician stressed that employees who participate in research should seriously study this area, world experience.

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