The first digital circuit breaker can permanently change the world of electrics

27 Mai 2019 - 11:15 | Interesting information
The first digital circuit breaker can permanently change the world of electrics

This week the first and so far the only digital circuit breaker in the world, developed by Atom Power specialists led by its CEO Ryan Kennedy, has been certified for commercial use. The performance of the new breaker is 3000 times higher than that of the fastest mechanical counterpart.

Imagine a fuse box in a small private house, where each switch is responsible for a specific area. They are designed in such a way as to prevent overload and to avoid overheating and fire at the right time to de-energize the network. In high-rise apartment buildings and industrial buildings, the number of security machines goes to dozens and even hundreds.

Automatic switch

Ryan Kennedy and his colleagues developed a digital switch infrastructure that uses semiconductors and software to control the flow of energy from a multitude of disparate sources. Modern digital platform combines incoming streams in a single super-intelligent device, managing them depending on the situation.

For example, residents of a house connected to solar panels sometimes have to disconnect from them, since traditional power systems are not sufficiently adapted to control several changing energy sources. Disadvantages of energy management cause tens of thousands of accidents per year.

Digital switches are able to cope with a giant flow of electricity of 100,000 A, eliminating any risks and ensuring a high level of security. Atom Power will continue the research begun, thanks to the investments of the three largest switch manufacturers - Siemens, ABB and Eaton.