Senior manager for International Liaisons visits Republican Seismic Survey Center and Institute of Biophysics

23 Mai 2019 - 10:10 | Meetings

Leonie Schaefer, the senior manager for International Liaisons (DFN), has closely acquainted with the activities of the Republican Seismic Survey Center (RSSC) at ANAS. The Head of International Relations Department, Ph.D. Babak Nabiyev, Chief of the Earthquake Research Bureau Saida Ismayilova, System Administrator Rugiya Karimova, Head of International Relations Department Telman Jafarov and other officials attended the meeting.

The guest was informed about the complex seismological, geophysical, geodynamic and geochemical researches conducted by RSSC. The Republican Seismic Survey Center's network infrastructure was connected to the National Eduroam Server at the Data Center of AzScienceNet. 

She underlined the interest of the European Commission seismological surveys conducting in Azerbaijan and said that the results of these researches are a new approach and appreciated the work done. She said the results of the Azerbaijani seismologists' research on earthquakes were important and pointed out the importance of bilateral cooperation in this direction. L. Schaefer said that the organization would continue to support the Center in the field of information technology.

Then the guest visited the Institute of Biophysics of ANAS.  Ceyhun Guliyev, Chief administrator of the "National GRID Segment", informed the guest about the Data Center on the GEANT network operating in the institute.

Noting that the Center was established in 2004, Guliev said that the work done here is supported by the Institute of Physics and Information Technology of ANAS. 

The "National GRID Segment" serves to extend international scientific relations, accelerate integration into world science, to solve complex issues of science and to implement joint projects with the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN). Processing and solving issues here requires a high-speed Internet connection.

The II GRID Segment was established at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS, Guliyev noted that both complexes are used for physical and mathematical modeling of GRID infrastructure and that there are 960 computational channels in existence.

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