Institute's staff participated in an event dedicated to the heritage of ADA

06 Mai 2019 - 10:43 | Conferences, assemblies

On May 4-5, with the support of ACM-W Avropa, the fourth event of the ADA heritage was held on the theme “Equality has two sides”, organized by the Azerbaijan branch of the ACM Computer Association and the ACM Student Branch of the ADA University.

For the fourth year in a row, there are events dedicated to the name of the English mathematician Ada Lovelace, who is known for being the first programmer in the world. The purpose of the event is to encourage the participation of women studying or working in the technical field to participate in the international conference “womENcourage 2019”.

This year, at an event dedicated to the heritage of Ada, students who attended the WomENcourage and Grace Hopper conferences held last year in Belgrade shared their experiences.

In parallel sessions, seminars on the development platform of the project “Code Hour” and the game “Unity” were held. At the third session, there was a screening of two documentaries, Princess of Informatics: Solving the ADA's Equation, telling about the life of Ada Lovely, and Independent Game: Movies, and the creators of the video game. The next day, a hackathon (hacker marathon) on the development of video games was held.

At the plenary session, a member of the Scientific Committee of the event, Associate Professor Shafagat Mahmudova, also made a presentation on the topic “Women in Computer Science: Examples and Figures”. In her report, she gave statistics on women in ICT around the world and in Azerbaijan who were awarded Turing, IEEE, ACM, and ADA awards. Sh. Mahmudova spoke about the scientific activities of women working at the Institute of Information Technology in the field of ICT. She noted that women actively participated in the research of the institute and obtained successful results in this area.

Also at the event, Ph.D. students of the Institute Gunay Iskandarli delivered a presentation “Filtration of Terrorism-Related Texts in the E-government Environment” (Filtration of texts related to terrorism in an electronic state), and Shalala Mansurova - “Fuzzy multi-criteria assessment of cloud security models. Employees of the institute Shirinbaji Umudova, Aygul Fahreddin gizi, Nargiz Verdiyeva participated as listeners.

At the end of the event, the participants were awarded certificates.

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