In the fight against web spammers, technology and methods based on link and content analysis investigated

01 Mai 2019 - 10:00 | Conferences, assemblies

Next scientific seminar of Department No. 16 was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. 

The Ph.D. student of the department, Khayyam Nuraliyev, presented the report entitled "Linking and content analysis techniques and methods for combating webspam". His presentation mainly covered web spam, types, as well as search engine systems in dealing with them.

According to him, there are two main approaches based on content and link analysis to determine website spam. Vector, probability and statistical language models are used to detect content spam in search engines.

Later, he talked about the spam, saying it had some sort of "outgoing" and "incoming" link. He noted that the spamming spam generates spam generators by changing the results of search engines directly to the target page.

Nuraliyev informed about the content and link-based technologies, as well as the algorithms. Link-based spam is divided into groups such as "PageRank", "TrustRank", "Truncated PageRank" and "Estimation of Supporters", he noted.

Speaking about the use of search engines such as Google Penguin, Google Sandbox, and Google Panda, he spoke about their advantages.

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