Methods for removing database gaps in web applications analyzed

24 April 2019 - 16:00 | Conferences, assemblies

The next scientific seminar of Department No. 4 was held at the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS. Opening the event, deputy director on technology, Ph.D. in technical sciences, associate professor Rashid Alakbarov said that the seminar was dedicated to the topic of "How to eliminate data leakage in Web applications". The reporter, Aydin Gurbanli, spoke about the attacks on database management systems (DBMS), admin panels, and URL (Uniform Resource Locator). He noted that DBMS provides effective data storage, management, and acquisition. According to him, DBMS is a software package for managing databases, but in most cases, this term is equivalent to the database.  According to him, DBMS is a software package for managing databases, but in most cases, this term is equivalent to the database.

The speaker who talked about the most common web application spaces gave information about the SQL (Structured Query Language) language used for data retrieval, deletion, and swapping.

"SQL injection is one of the 10 most commonly used applications in web applications, - he noted. 

His presentation was focused on the use of SQL prevention methods, "Question Mark".

Views on presentation were exchanged and questions were answered.

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