Colleagues of the Institute participated in the Public Affairs workshop

22 April 2019 - 11:00 | Important events

Colleagues of the of International Relations Department of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS Sabina Mammadzada and Konul Aliyeva participated in the Public Affairs Workshop that was organised by the EaPConnect (Eastern Partnership) project within the GÉANT Community Programme. The event was hosted in Berlin by DFN on 8-9 April 2019.

The workshop was conducted in an interactive format. In the opening round, the participants voiced their expectations of the workshop, which reviewed again at the end. Participants took a view at Public Affairs and Lobbying from a more business-oriented perspective. 

Thereafter, selected GÉANT NRENS presented their strategies in Public Affairs. Basic concepts of Public Affairs were explained and discussed. The objective of this part of the workshop was to provide an overview of the wide spectrum of possible PA strategies for NRENS in Europe.

S.Mammadzada and K. Aliyeva also attended a Marketing Communications training on social media video production on 10 April 2019. The Special Interest Group on Marketing Communications, SIG-Marcomms, promotes collaboration between research and education networking organisations in Europe in the areas of communications, marketing, and public relations.

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