Discussion of student assessment methods in the classes by application of intellectual games

15 April 2019 - 15:25 | Conferences, assemblies

Bahar Ismayilova,  at the Institute's Institute of Information Technology Innovation Center of the ANAS, presented a report on the subject “Assessment of students in the classroom with the use of intellectual games”. 

B. Ismayilova said that the social requirement of the state, society and persons receiving education regarding the education system is quality education and noted that the goal of all educational reforms is to improve its quality.

She brought to the attention of the knowledge rating of 15-year-old schoolchildren from 57 countries, represented by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. According to her, the main task of the school is to develop the personality of the individual, the formation of his personality, taking into account the physical, intellectual and intellectual potential. The speaker also spoke about the skills that were reduced as a result of the emergence of new professions in our time.

B. Ismayilova said that the definition of the quality of education is due to an objective assessment of a student’s achievements. According to her, the assessment of the real situation is static, and the results reflect the situation during the assessment.

The speaker emphasized that in countries with a developed education system, monitoring of student performance is carried out by school teachers. Creating and solving crossword puzzles for students to evaluate their activities is a positive method.

Views on presentation were exchanged and questions were answered.

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