Presentation of the National Management Portal for Doctoral Education

12 April 2019 - 16:00 | Conferences, assemblies

On April 12, the National Management Portal for doctoral studies was presented at the event dedicated to the results of the "Nizami" project, which was reconstructed and developed in accordance with the requirements of the European Higher Education Area in Azerbaijan.

The portal, created with the support of the Institute of Information Technology, has been presented by the head of International Relations Office of the Presidium of ANAS, Ph.D., Esmira Alirzayeva.

He said that the main objective of the portal in Azerbaijani and English is to support state policy in increasing the availability of available information and to consolidate data on all the doctoral students in Azerbaijan. The system was created on the basis of a portal available at Montpelier University in France, she said.

E.Alirzayeva said that in all scientific institutions of ANAS there will be responsible persons - admins of this portal. The system is intended for those who want to study abroad, the scientist pointed out that opportunities for job placement at the portal are available.

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